Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spectacular Spiderman: The Animated Series

The latest Spiderman animated series aired in March 2008. For the most part, I like Spiderman as a character. He's not my favorite, but an iconic character that many other characters in the comic universe have been modeled after.

Most of us look for our heroes to be adults over the age of 21, but let's face it, Spiderman has always been the kid hero in comics. Not like the Boy Wonder, Astro Boy or the many other junior characters that we've had to endure, but a mature young hero that most of us can appreciate. The latest Spiderman animated series begins the new saga of Peter Parker/Spiderman with the same concept that's endures since his arrival.

Parker's new journey of power and responsibility as a teenager and hero with a modern perspective that bring him in contact with his old rogues gallery of villains that we all know. From Doctor Octopus to Venom, the new series combines entertaining stories with clean artwork that should satisfy the comic fan from adolescence to adulthood. The supporting cast is there as well: J. Jonah Jameson, Gwen Stacy and even Betty Grant. I'm no fan of Aunt May by a long shot, but her presence in the series is bearable and suits the story of young Parker as he struggles with his new life. The series progresses in some semblance of a comic book and the underlying storyline of Parker/Spidey makes you sympathetic to his situation, even if its just a little.

If you haven't watched an episode yet, you're missing some good comic-animated entertainment.

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