SHAZAM! As Captain Marvel, Billy Batson is endowed with the wisdom of Solomon. A wisdom of scholarly knowledge that I would equal to the alien intellect of a certain Kryptonian if not more superior. Shazam's wisdom allows him to speak and understand many different languages, which Superman cannot without study. Shazam also possesses the strength of Hercules, which although puts him in the same class as Superman, I would argue that the 'reality-based power of Superman, peaks his strength around 80 tons where his power must then become focused to handle heavier loads. Hercules is simply a class 100 being. Given that Shazam possesses the strength of Hercules, my argument stands that he could be stronger than Superman. The stamina of Atlas. This power makes him one of the most formidable heroes in the DC universe simply because it makes him nearly inexhaustible from extreme physical assaults and, in his Shazam form, he does not need to eat or sleep! The power of Zeus. When you look at all of the components that make Shazam the character that he is, it's a surprise that we look at Black Adam for being the more dangerous of the two. The power of Zeus makes him invulnerable to the same magics that harm Superman, including mental spells. No Darkseid controlling this powerful mortal!

Likewise, Captain Marvel has recently been using this power of Zeus to strike his opponents while evading them himself. The lightning bolts also transform him back and forth to Shazam and produce the healing effect at a much greater speed than any other character I can think of! Despite having the strength of Hercules and the stamina of Atlas, Shazam also has the invulnerability of Achilles, a power that further protects him from mental attacks as well.
Finally (!?!), Captain Marvel possesses the speed of Mercury, which not only enables him to move at the speed of light, but also to fly. Again, with all of these incredible powers to work with and from, the only thing that keeps Captain Marvel from being one of the most respected powerhouses in the industry is the handling of the character in any story he's in. Alex Ross' rendition of him in Kingdom Come is the perfect depiction of power and regal appearance with the 'boy-like' charm that is constantly tied to him. It's this boy-like charm that always ruins Captain Marvel's rep in the industry.

The one thing that keeps bringing him back is how he handles the big red 'S'. Still the best handling of a character like Shazam was Alan Moore's rebirth of the Miracleman in the early 80s. I don't think you have to get
as dark as Moore did to make the Captain a great character. Superman is the biggest humanitarian there is, and Captain America is a still locked to his 40's values, so why can't someone do the Shazam the same justice and keep him at the top of
the favorite charts?
Hercules: actually, to coin the Marvel Comics phrase,... 'Nuff Said!' Hercules is to rowdy teenagers what Captain Marvel is to adolescents. It's hard to be humble and reserved when you are the Prince of Power. As the most notable deity of strength and fabled accomplishments that create legends, Hercules is a superstar that has and will transcend time.
As previously stated, Hercules is a class 100 rocker simply because he IS the Prince of Power. What does that mean? Simply this: all prominent deities have specific qualities that make
personifications of that trait. Hercules' prominent qualities are his bravery (since childbirth by killing TWO snakes in his crib) and strength. Hercules is an Olympian and therefore possesses tissue, muscle, and attributes that far exceed human abilities. These attributes alone make Olympians extremely long-lived and possessed of superhuman strength, durability and stamina. The average Olympian can withstand extreme physical assaults such as high caliber gunshots without injury. Hercules is of a class of Olympian that possesses the ability to harness extreme
mystical power. For Hercules, this manifestation of mystical power comes in the form of strength. Hercules is the strongest Olympian there is. To add to this incredible title, on Olympus, home of his 'race', Hercules is unbeatable.

Still, Hercules is not just a muscle-bound bully. As an Olympian, Hercules is skilled in combat, especially Greco-Roman wrestling, boxing, and archery. Hercules has engaged in so many battles with armies and single-handed combat for centuries that he is constantly looking for the next challenge, A favorite 'sparring' partner is the mighty Thor.
Hercules also possesses some immunity to magic, the ability to run at speeds over 100 mph (due to his incredible leg muscles), and leap hundreds of feet into the air.
So what is the tale-of-the-tape? One good fight!
I will give Shazam speed and his ability to fly an advantage over Hercules, but Shazam is 'endowed' with the strength of Hercules, while Hercules is the Prince of Power. Like many kind-hearted heroes, Shazam would not realize the threat of combat with Hercules until it was too late. Hercules at the same time would relish the battle (and any opportunity to bestow 'the Gift') with an opponent as worthy and powerful as Shazam. But when the stakes rise, Shazam possesses something that Hercules is not totally immune to: the power of Zeus.

A few of those bolts will cause some serious problems and not just for Hercules. After being struck with his father's magic lightning, Hercules will more than likely snap. In my mind, that snap will be Shazam's limbs. Hercules has withstood attacks from Mjolnir, Thor's mystic hammer and since he is his father's son, will be able to survive the bolts from Shazam.

I would say that Shazam is one of the beings capable of providing a good battle with Hercules, but Hercules is legendary for his miraculous feats and shutting down Shazam would be a fitting addition to the list.

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