Powers: Through a blood
transfusion from her cousin (the infamous Bruce 'The Hulk' Banner), She-Hulk possesses superhuman strength, stamina, and durability. She is also stated to have superhuman speed, reflexes, and agility.
She-Hulk has been around. Despite getting a big boost of power from one of the heaviest of heavy-hitters, She-Hulk has been an Avenger and member of the Fantastic Four. People tend to forget that just because your super strong doesn't mean you're unbeatable, and as far as Avengers go, you don't go out on missions as a team member without training. Ergo, not only has she had 'danger room' training, she's been put through the ropes with Captain 'nth combat-commando' America. Even the Riddler would be a worthy opponent after Cap's training.

What I like about She-Hulk is that she's got a solid frame. Don't get me wrong, I like a dainty, very feminine girl as much as the next guy, but let's be honest,... when you're sluggin' it out with the big boys against the baddest of the bad boys, seeing Wanda or the Wasp ain't gonna make you feel better about your chances of winning.
What I don't like about She-Hulk is more than just looks. The cute names like 'Shulkie'? What the hell? How is she going to get any respect with allowing ANYONE to call her names like that. But really, that's a by-product of my other problem with her: she always seems to be on the fence about being a hero.

It's like she's thinking, "I don't want to be on the team, but if you need me I'll do it." No, She-Hulk, we don't need you if you don't want to be here. Saving the world, or even a city, is a commitment, not a "I'll check my calendar to see if I'm busy"-thing. Here's a little something to think about, She-Hulk, "With great power comes great responsibility." Somebody at Marvel must remember that when they're writing or editing her character. Also, I prefer the thick-frame on She-Hulk (as I mentioned
earlier). She doesn't have to be a man-brute, but what's wrong with carrying a little muscle in a feminine guile (as I've added for visual effect) as opposed to the rail-girlish frame with all that power? She's reportedly the heir-apparent for of the strongest females in Marvel. Why not let it show.
Wonder Woman: approximately 6' - 6'3" tall, and somewhere between 170-225 lbs.

Powers: created from the clay on the island of Themyscira and endowed with 'gifts' from six deities, Diana has the ability to draw
strength , durability, and stamina from 'mother earth' (Demeter), making her extremely powerful. From Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, Diana has "great wisdom, intelligence, and military prowess". Nearly all Amazonians are skilled in the art of warfare and Diana bested them all to bear the mantle of the
ir champion. The Amazonian army, believed to possess legendary fighting skills, can be equated to the male Spartans in combat. Just so it's clear, this is training that Cap can't teach you in a few sessions a month. It's an inherent ability to have the military thinking skill that you must learn at birth or a very early age.

In addition to this, Diana has been gifted by Artemis with the 'Eyes of the Hunter and Unity of the Beast' as well as 'Sisterhood with fire, so that men's hearts would be open to her'. The last part is partially embedded in her lasso which commands men to speak the truth to her when bound by it. The other part of this sisterhood with fire is that she is immune to harm from normal or supernatural flame. Her gifts from Artemis give her heightened sight and hearing of the beasts, which would put her in the realm of Wolverine (maybe Aquaman), if not quite Superman's level.
Added to this is her gift from Hermes, which is speed. This speed enables her to defy gravity (fly) at half the speed of light. Used through her physical feats, Diana can easily deflect any moving object coming in her direction with her virtually indestructible bracelets as well as "process information at an incredibly fast rate."
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is this: She-Hulk is much stronger than Wonder Woman is, but so is Supergirl and Power Girl. I would say strength-wise, she's probably talking about Thundra's level. But if they were just going to lift weights, She-Hulk would be the winner hands down. But this is combat and that means doing more than lifting heavy objects. Wonder Woman has bested Supergirl, Power Girl and even Superman because she's a better fighter. She was raised in a culture that taught fighting that made her equal to any man and she bested all those in that
community. She was also gifted by the gods with additional powers, including healing herself through the power of Earth.

PS: Gina Carano's got my vote to play Diana in a movie.

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